History of The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated. [Est.1937].
The EWF built on the efforts of African Americans who, in 1936, sent a delegation consisting of three prominent Harlem figures, all leaders of the black organization known as United Aid for Ethiopia. Reverend William Lloyd Imes, Pastor of the prestigious St. James Presbyterian Church, Philip M. Savory of the Victory Insurance Company and co-owner of the New York Amsterdam News, and Cyril M. Philp, secretary of United Aid, sailed to England in the summer of 1936 to speak with Emperor Haile Selassie concerning financial matters. In response, the Emperor empowered his personal physician Malaku E. Bayen as his special emissary. Bayen at first worked with United Aid for Ethiopia, but the next year he dissolved that body and founded the EWF to take its place.
“We the Black People of the World,
in order to effect Unity, Solidarity, Liberty, Freedom and Self-determination, to secure Justice and maintain the Integrity of Ethiopia, which is our divine heritage, do hereby establish and ordain this Constitution for The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated.”
The aims and objects of
shall be:
(a) To promote love and good-will among Ethiopians at home and abroad and thereby to maintain the integrity and
sovereignty of Ethiopia, to disseminate the ancient Ethiopian culture among its members, to correct abuses, relieve
oppression and carve for ourselves and our posterity, a destiny comparable with our idea of perfect manhood and God’s
purpose in creating us; that we may not only save ourselves from annihilation, but carve for ourselves a place in the
Sun: in this endeavor, we determine to seek peace and pursue it, for it is the will of God for man.
(b) To promote and pursue happiness; for it is the goal of human life and endeavor.
(c) To usher in the teaching and practice of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man.
(d) To promote and stimulate interest among its members in world affairs, and to cultivate a spirit of international
goodwill and comity.
(e) To promote friendly interest among its members, to develop a fraternal spirit among them and to inculcate in its
members the desire to render voluntary aid and assistance to one another at all times.
(f) To render voluntary aid and protection to its members, without fee or charge for same when in need. And, if necessary, to provide and care for refugees and disabled victims of the Italio-Ethiopian war.
(g) To give concrete material and voluntary aid without fee or charge for the same, to all such refugees and disabled victims and to raise funds by voluntary subscription for the purposes aforementioned. There shall be no charge, fee, beneficiary tax or other assessment upon the members of THE ETHIOPIAN WORLD FEDERATION, INCORPORATED, except for dues, provided for in the Constitution and By-Laws of THE ETHIOPIAN WORLD FEDERATION, INCORPORATED.
(h) To encourage its members to develop interest and pride in Democratic institutions and to promote Democratic principles and ideals. May God help us to accomplish these aims and ideals.